Zoom + Scroll
This category of actions allows simple, one key zoom in and out, as well as other zoom features, depending on the actions you pick.
Bind one of the following to a convienient key!
Action List
- SWS: Horizontal scroll to put edit cursor at 10%
- SWS: Vertical zoom to selected track(s)
- SWS: Vertical zoom to selected track(s), minimize others
- SWS: Vertical zoom to selected items(s)
- SWS: Vertical zoom to selected items(s), minimize others
- SWS: Horizontal zoom to selected items(s)
- SWS: Zoom to selected item(s)
- SWS: Zoom to selected item(s), minimize others
- SWS: Toggle zoom to sel track(s) + time sel
- SWS: Toggle zoom to sel track(s) + time sel, minimize others
- SWS: Toggle zoom to sel track(s) + time sel, hide others
- SWS: Toggle zoom to sel items(s)
- SWS: Toggle zoom to sel items(s), minimize others
- SWS: Toggle zoom to sel items(s), hide other tracks
- SWS: Save current arrange view
- SWS: Restore arrange view
Drag zoom (à la Wavelab/Cubase)
This feature allows you to zoom in the arrange view by grabing the timeline (top ruler) with the left mouse button and drag down/up to zoom in/out.
Note: this feature is disabled by default.
Zoom preferences
To enable and/or tweak zoom features: Main menu > Extension > Zoom preferences...